Now if only we could debunk the myth I see being propagated all over my social media that Judaism is somehow pro abortion. It's so disgusting to see people twist our religion to fit a political narrative, especially since most of the people i see sharing these posts are not religious at all, or not even Jewish.

You should do a video debunking all the wild myths about Judaism supporting leftist narratives like abortion and trans identities 😫

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I am not sure I agree with the statement that raising a child is the most important thing a person can do. In my religion, Roman Catholicism, we have saints. There are around 10,000 recognized saints. Several criteria are needed to be canonized a saint, one being a miracle that can be verified by the Vatican. Among the 10,000 recognized saints only about 500 of them were EVER married. They literally performed miracles! In 1 Corinthians: 8-9: Saint Paul says" To the unmarried and the widows I say that it is good for them to remain unmarried as I am. But if they are not practicing self-control, they should marry. For it is better to marry than to be aflame with passion." If Christians do not feel lust, we should not marry. We should not have children out of wedlock. According to the New Testament, we are not less important if we do not marry. There are a lot of passages in the Bible people have spent THOUSANDS of years debating. This one is not one of them, the teaching is crystal clear. Our priests, monks, nuns, friars, and brothers are all single and celibate. I would argue that the Saints, members of religious orders, and priests ( those who follow the rules!) do absolutely wonderful, miraculous, and outstanding things. Two-thirds of the Supreme Court that you are giving high praise to practice Roman Catholicism. I do believe raising children is the most important thing MOST people will do, but not ALL.

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Thank you!!

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