I am so excited to convene for another ZOOM book club discussion! I love being able to have a live conversation with you all.
Book club is convening this THURSDAY (6/30/2022) at 9 PM EST. I will send out the link for the Zoom call and it will only be available to premium subscribers. I hope that you all can make that time - now that I have a baby, I have to work around his bedtime routine!
Happy happy Tuesday my friends! It’s a beautiful day to be an American, because last week Roe v. Wade was overturned and now millions of lives will be saved! As we approach July 4th, I could not be prouder to celebrate our country.
But, as usual, the Left is spreading misinformation. They don’t like that abortion is under scrutiny, so they are fear-mongering and lying about what this ruling means. The number of people in my stories who are acting as if the police are about to knock their doors down is a testament to how easy it is for the media to manipulate those who don’t know enough to research for themselves.
So today, I want to debunk the four biggest myths about overturning Roe v. Wade. And hopefully, armed with this information, you will be able to respond to those friends who are acting as though this is a terrible thing for our country by pointing out that they’ve got it all wrong. Roe v. Wade being overturned is not only good law, it also happens to be a huge win for the Pro-Life movement! So let’s bust some myths.
MYTH: Overturning Roe v. Wade outlaws abortion across the country. This is the biggest lie that is being spread in the wake of the Supreme Court’s ruling. When people don’t know enough about the original case to understand what’s going on, they hear that abortion is threatened and immediately assume it will be federally outlawed. If only! In truth, what overturning Roe v. Wade means is that the decision of whether or not to outlaw abortion is given back to the states. Roe v. Wade mandated that all states had to permit abortion during the first trimester, and could possibly have restrictions on abortion in the second and third trimesters. Roe v. Wade held that there was a fundamental right to abortion found somewhere within the Fourteenth Amendment as part of an unwritten right to privacy. This was, to put it simply, judicial activism and didn’t have any good legal basis in the history of the Constitution, the Fourteenth Amendment, or the English and American tradition of liberties. Now that Roe v. Wade has been overturned, many states are choosing to outlaw abortion and have the ability to do so. At the same time, there are many states that are allowing abortion, and they will probably become abortion tourism states. But, if someone tells you that “overturning Roe v. Wade outlawed abortion,” you can calmly explain their mistake.
MYTH: Women can now be denied life-saving treatment for miscarriages and ectopic pregnancies. This is maybe the most offensive and pernicious lie that the Left is making right now. They claim that the treatment for miscarriages and ectopic pregnancies are abortions, and therefore women will be denied treatment for those conditions because of abortion bans in some states. THIS IS FALSE. First of all, the treatment for these conditions is not abortion - the use of the term abortion means to end a pregnancy by killing a preborn human child. In the case of a miscarriage, a dilation and curettage (a “D and C”), removes an already dead fetus from the mother’s womb. In the case of an ectopic pregnancy, if the baby is alive, the baby is delivered by removing the fallopian tube or removing the baby from the fallopian tube. It is not aborted. The difference sounds small, but it is crucial: delivering an ectopic pregnancy is not done with the intent and purpose of killing the unborn child. The goal is to save the life of the mother, and it is hoped that the child can survive, though that is not likely. As for abortion laws themselves, every state has exceptions in the case of life-saving treatment for the mother. As someone who had a miscarriage and a D and C, this lie is particularly malicious and cruel for minimizing what women like me had to endure when we lost our children and they were removed from our wombs out of necessity rather than preference.
MYTH: More women will die from illegal abortions where abortion is outlawed. The fear held by a lot of people about waves of women dying from illegal, “back-alley” abortions wherever abortion is outlawed is inspired by a straight-up lie that was cynically crafted to change policy-makers’ minds in the years before Roe v. Wade. Dr. Bernard Nathanson, one of the founders of the National Association for the Repeal of Abortion Laws (“NARAL”), later became a pro-life activist and exposed the misinformation and other tactics NARAL used to promote abortion. He explicitly shared that NARAL spread lies in order to change laws and policies on abortion. First, NARAL wanted to change the perception of abortion in the media, so they made up a false statistic that 60% of Americans were in favor of permissive abortion. The left-leaning media was more than thrilled to take that piece of misinformation and run with it. Next, NARAL lied and said that there were 1,000,000 illegal abortions every year when the real number was closer to 100,000. Additionally, the CDC reports that in the year before Roe v. Wade was decided, there were 39 deaths from illegal abortions and 24 deaths from legal abortions across the entire country. As well, the majority of deaths from illegal abortions were caused by physicians, not back-alley attempts at abortion. It’s easy to debunk this myth as it was fabricated out of whole cloth.
MYTH: The Supreme Court should do what I want it do, not make decisions based on legal reasoning. People don’t seem to understand the role of the Supreme Court. The justices of the Supreme Court are not elected. They cannot be voted out. Because they are the highest authority on what is constitutional, there is not an effective check on their power if they misuse it. When justices go rogue and act as policy makers, there is nothing that we, the people, can do about it. Their job description is to apply the law to the cases before them, not create the law themselves. When they go beyond their role and steal the job of the legislature, that undermines democracy and creates, ironically enough, a tyranny of the courts. Also, the justices are in a terrible position to be lawmakers. They are not in a position to learn policy or the needs of the people because they don’t have constituents and they only hear the two sides of the cases before them, unlike actual legislators who are constantly meeting with and learning from everyone they represent. Justices also don’t have skin in the game when they act as legislators. Elected officials pay a price for being wrong - they won’t be elected again. Justices of the Supreme Court have their jobs for life and there is no consequence for ruling incorrectly or making bad policy. When they stick to their job of applying the laws created by others, rather than creating laws themselves, they are doing what they should do - and we are all better off for it.
Now that you know the truth, you can go out and defend your pro-life position with even more confidence. Happy early Independence Day and thank God Roe v. Wade was overturned!
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I'm a wife, mama, opera singer, entrepreneur, YouTuber, and your guide to becoming the classic woman you've always wanted to be! Follow me on YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter to see how! And together, let's be classic.
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Now if only we could debunk the myth I see being propagated all over my social media that Judaism is somehow pro abortion. It's so disgusting to see people twist our religion to fit a political narrative, especially since most of the people i see sharing these posts are not religious at all, or not even Jewish.
You should do a video debunking all the wild myths about Judaism supporting leftist narratives like abortion and trans identities 😫
I am not sure I agree with the statement that raising a child is the most important thing a person can do. In my religion, Roman Catholicism, we have saints. There are around 10,000 recognized saints. Several criteria are needed to be canonized a saint, one being a miracle that can be verified by the Vatican. Among the 10,000 recognized saints only about 500 of them were EVER married. They literally performed miracles! In 1 Corinthians: 8-9: Saint Paul says" To the unmarried and the widows I say that it is good for them to remain unmarried as I am. But if they are not practicing self-control, they should marry. For it is better to marry than to be aflame with passion." If Christians do not feel lust, we should not marry. We should not have children out of wedlock. According to the New Testament, we are not less important if we do not marry. There are a lot of passages in the Bible people have spent THOUSANDS of years debating. This one is not one of them, the teaching is crystal clear. Our priests, monks, nuns, friars, and brothers are all single and celibate. I would argue that the Saints, members of religious orders, and priests ( those who follow the rules!) do absolutely wonderful, miraculous, and outstanding things. Two-thirds of the Supreme Court that you are giving high praise to practice Roman Catholicism. I do believe raising children is the most important thing MOST people will do, but not ALL.