Abby, your blog today made me think of the classic tale of the “ugly duckling “. He too didn’t fit in and was insulted and bullied by the other animals. But then at the end he learns that he is not an ugly duck, he is a beautiful regal swan!! Thank you for your amazing posts!
Hi Abby— I LOVE your content! It’s so nice for a conservative lady like me to have something online that I actually enjoy reading! My questions for you are: what has been the most surprising thing about pregnancy so far? And what are you most looking forward to after the pregnancy? Can’t wait to meet Classically Baby :p
Hi Abby! I know you said that you wanted to be a mother since forever, so I am curious about how you controlled your anxiety when you were too young for it. The thing is that I want to be a mom too, but I think that I should wait a couple of years, since I want to finish university first. I’ve been getting a little anxious and just can’t stop imagining how life would be. Love you!!
Abby, your blog today made me think of the classic tale of the “ugly duckling “. He too didn’t fit in and was insulted and bullied by the other animals. But then at the end he learns that he is not an ugly duck, he is a beautiful regal swan!! Thank you for your amazing posts!
Hi Abby— I LOVE your content! It’s so nice for a conservative lady like me to have something online that I actually enjoy reading! My questions for you are: what has been the most surprising thing about pregnancy so far? And what are you most looking forward to after the pregnancy? Can’t wait to meet Classically Baby :p
Hi Abby! I know you said that you wanted to be a mother since forever, so I am curious about how you controlled your anxiety when you were too young for it. The thing is that I want to be a mom too, but I think that I should wait a couple of years, since I want to finish university first. I’ve been getting a little anxious and just can’t stop imagining how life would be. Love you!!
Do you have a baby name picked out yet? What is your process for picking a name?
Do you realize that feminists are the ones who argued for you to have the right to vote in the first place?
How do you handle budgeting aesthetic things for the baby like clothes, decor, etc? It seems like there’s so much pressure to be picture-perfect.
Hello Abby!
For the Baby Q&A, some people think that cloth diapers are better than disposable, but disposable seems so much easier.
Do you have an opinion on this yet?
And congratulations on being pregnant!! So excited for you!!