I have a MUCH more vague "routine" than you do! I start every morning by checking on the laundry and putting a load on if one of the bags are full, and resetting the kitchen. I hate cleaning in the evening after my husband gets home from work, so I start with the kitchen every day so that I know that that's done and ready for the day.
After that it's very vague. I generally eat breakfast and look at my to-do list... but other than that I sort of just prioritize and organize my day based on what I think is most important or time sensitive to get done.
My "planner" is also... very vague haha. I wish I could design my own because I don't like scheduling things into timeslots or by day so much. I have 2 lists. My master to do list where I brain dump every single thing that needs to get done (not just in a day or a week, just in general), and then my 3-step list, "Today" "Tomorrow" and "To-Do". This is where I separate into what needs to (or should) get done today, what is higher priority and should get done tomorrow or very soon, and what is more nebulous. The things on each list bounce around as the days go by.
Lately I've been thinking of having a colour coding highlighter system instead of writing out 2 full lists the way I do, but I'm still trying to figure out how I would organize that!
I have a MUCH more vague "routine" than you do! I start every morning by checking on the laundry and putting a load on if one of the bags are full, and resetting the kitchen. I hate cleaning in the evening after my husband gets home from work, so I start with the kitchen every day so that I know that that's done and ready for the day.
After that it's very vague. I generally eat breakfast and look at my to-do list... but other than that I sort of just prioritize and organize my day based on what I think is most important or time sensitive to get done.
My "planner" is also... very vague haha. I wish I could design my own because I don't like scheduling things into timeslots or by day so much. I have 2 lists. My master to do list where I brain dump every single thing that needs to get done (not just in a day or a week, just in general), and then my 3-step list, "Today" "Tomorrow" and "To-Do". This is where I separate into what needs to (or should) get done today, what is higher priority and should get done tomorrow or very soon, and what is more nebulous. The things on each list bounce around as the days go by.
Lately I've been thinking of having a colour coding highlighter system instead of writing out 2 full lists the way I do, but I'm still trying to figure out how I would organize that!
I love hearing about how other women organize their days, so thank you for sharing!
It's a lot of fun to compare methods and notes, for sure! I also like to sometimes steal things that sound like they'd improve my system 🤭