Feb 8, 2023Liked by Classically Abby

I just finished watching the final episode of a detective show called “Pie in the Sky.” I’d recommend it—and was glad it ended in a satisfying way. During the course of the episode, a character says, “Life is there to be lived,” and another character agrees with him, although it becomes clear that the two of them have very different interpretations of the sentiment. Basically, for one of them, it means grabbing whatever advantage you can get, using your subordinates, and even breaking up someone’s marriage to do it; for the other, it’s spending more time doing the work that gives him satisfaction, with family and friends around.

So, yes, I agree that we need to really think about what makes for a “full” life, and I appreciate the view from the other side that you are able to give.

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(Banned)Feb 8, 2023Liked by Classically Abby

Your post made me think about 1 Corinthians 7. That chapter ties into your thoughts on being unmarried, the mundane, marriage in principle, and happiness - in that order.

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