Hello classic crew and welcome to this week’s discussion thread! Tonight and tomorrow are Yom Kippur, the Jewish day of atonement, so I’ve been thinking about ways I want to improve myself. I want to turn to God more in moments of doubt, and I want to be more flexible when it comes to a wrench being thrown into my plans. I want to try to be better at time management, and I want to enjoy intentional quality time with my family without worrying about getting the chores done.
So I want to know - how do you want to improve yourself in the coming year? Share in the comments down below!
I'm working on cultivating warmth. I've worked really hard to be self sufficient and it made me capable, but especially now that I've kicked a chronic illness into remission I want to work on letting some of the walls and rigidity go. I really admire women who instantly make people feel welcome and at ease around them, and I'd like to work on becoming one.
Yay, that's SO awesome that your illness has gone into remission! I've had an illness, as well, that I've dealt with for a long time and it has finally gone into remission. That's really wonderful!
So I'm not Jewish, but basically the exact same thing you said and I'm also trying to learn how to be a Proverbs 31 woman, too. I also want to be better about caring for my home because I am a bit of a procrastinator 🥴 I believe that will start to improve with this new job I just got, I'll be making more money, I won't have to work 7 days a week anymore, plus school is also coming to a close, I'll have my Associate's in December, so basically, more time on my hands to care for myself/my home. 🎉
Those are all really great things to be trying to improve, Abby! I think for me I want to get better at taking care of myself, both physically and emotionally--eating better, exercising more, spending more time out in nature. I was a busy college student through most of my 20s, cultivating the mind while unfortunately neglecting the body, and all of that eventually starts to catch up with you.
Me too! Like the other commenter, you have said my goals already. :) i also want to do more for my health - eat right and exercise. Get enough sleep. May g-d help me to accomplish these improvements! May you be written in the book of the life for a sweet and healthy year.
I want to spend more of my downtime being with my family instead of wasting time doing meaningless things. I also want to seek God's direction concerning my future, instead of worrying about it.
Those are great goals to have, Abby! One thing I’d like to improve on is taking more time to be present and use les time fiddling on my phone. In those present moments I can read, practice a hobby, go for a walk, spend time with a friend, or do anything else of value.
I’d like to be more present to my kids and spend less time on my phone. I’d also like to be more intentional with spending quality time with my children. I have 4 children ages 6 and younger and I’m expecting my 5th in March. I homeschool them and feel like I’m constantly cleaning, straightening, cooking, planning,.... I need to stop and enjoy them now in this present moment.
My thoughts reflect so much of what's already been said, but to add to the conversation - I'd really like to become more intentional (and organized) with long-term life goal setting and its cohesion with my short term interests...I decided to apply for a graduate program less than two months before deadline and I'm struggling to put my application package together...just to give y'all an example of where I'm at right now hahaha...
I used to fear setting long-term goals because of anxiety and general fear of failure and the disappointment and self-hate that goes along with it - but as I've aged, I've become more patient with myself and more realistic about my skill/ability to learn new skills
I love all of your comments so much! Thank you for sharing them!
I'm working on cultivating warmth. I've worked really hard to be self sufficient and it made me capable, but especially now that I've kicked a chronic illness into remission I want to work on letting some of the walls and rigidity go. I really admire women who instantly make people feel welcome and at ease around them, and I'd like to work on becoming one.
Yay, that's SO awesome that your illness has gone into remission! I've had an illness, as well, that I've dealt with for a long time and it has finally gone into remission. That's really wonderful!
So I'm not Jewish, but basically the exact same thing you said and I'm also trying to learn how to be a Proverbs 31 woman, too. I also want to be better about caring for my home because I am a bit of a procrastinator 🥴 I believe that will start to improve with this new job I just got, I'll be making more money, I won't have to work 7 days a week anymore, plus school is also coming to a close, I'll have my Associate's in December, so basically, more time on my hands to care for myself/my home. 🎉
I'm graduating from college in December, too! That's awesome!
Those are all really great things to be trying to improve, Abby! I think for me I want to get better at taking care of myself, both physically and emotionally--eating better, exercising more, spending more time out in nature. I was a busy college student through most of my 20s, cultivating the mind while unfortunately neglecting the body, and all of that eventually starts to catch up with you.
Me too! Like the other commenter, you have said my goals already. :) i also want to do more for my health - eat right and exercise. Get enough sleep. May g-d help me to accomplish these improvements! May you be written in the book of the life for a sweet and healthy year.
I like to set learning goals instead of goals that I can check off my list. Here is what I've been focusing on lately:
•learning Hebrew
•making time to practice piano 3x a week
•sticking to my cleaning schedule
•making one new recipe a month
•less time on my phone in front of my kids
•getting up at 5 instead of 6 so I can spend more time reading
•no purchasing new books or clothes until 2023
•putting extra money down on my mortgage every month
•read more Thomas Sowell
•take all the free online courses at Hillsdale
I'm constantly adding to this list. I'm all for improving myself and not wasting my life scrolling YouTube shorts and Instagram reels!
I want to spend more of my downtime being with my family instead of wasting time doing meaningless things. I also want to seek God's direction concerning my future, instead of worrying about it.
Those are great goals to have, Abby! One thing I’d like to improve on is taking more time to be present and use les time fiddling on my phone. In those present moments I can read, practice a hobby, go for a walk, spend time with a friend, or do anything else of value.
I’d like to be more present to my kids and spend less time on my phone. I’d also like to be more intentional with spending quality time with my children. I have 4 children ages 6 and younger and I’m expecting my 5th in March. I homeschool them and feel like I’m constantly cleaning, straightening, cooking, planning,.... I need to stop and enjoy them now in this present moment.
My thoughts reflect so much of what's already been said, but to add to the conversation - I'd really like to become more intentional (and organized) with long-term life goal setting and its cohesion with my short term interests...I decided to apply for a graduate program less than two months before deadline and I'm struggling to put my application package together...just to give y'all an example of where I'm at right now hahaha...
I used to fear setting long-term goals because of anxiety and general fear of failure and the disappointment and self-hate that goes along with it - but as I've aged, I've become more patient with myself and more realistic about my skill/ability to learn new skills