Former Playmate Takes A Page Out Of The Classically Abby Playbook?
PLUS, announcing this month's book club selection!
Former Playmate Takes A Page Out Of The Classically Abby Playbook?
Happy Tuesday, my lovely friends! This week has been crazy and it’s not even Wednesday yet. Jacob and I did the biggest part of our move on Sunday, and then it started snowing heavily. The next day, our friends came over to help us bring over more items…and we’ll be spending the rest of the week packing up and bringing over everything else.
Well, as you might imagine, at 30 weeks pregnant, I am moving much more slowly than usual and I am EXHAUSTED! But it’s exciting, too.
If you’ve been following me for a while, you’ll know that one of the huge tenets of my channel is how important modesty is. I’ve done a multiplicity of videos on the topic - in fact, my most viewed video is literally called, “Why YOU Should Dress Modestly.” I believe that modesty is important for SO many reasons, but it truly serves YOU, the woman, more than anyone else. If you want people to get past your body and your sexuality, dressing modestly is the best way to direct them to who you are beyond the physical trappings.
Well, former playmate Crystal Harris Hefner recently seems to have made the same discovery. She posted this photo on Instagram:
In the caption, she wrote among other things: “As most of you know, I grew my following during my ‘Playboy’ years. Certain photos grow followings fast. In short, sex sells. I don’t know whether I felt empowered by dressing scantily clad, showing cleavage, etc …or if I just felt it was expected of me or what… but now I can confidently and 100% proudly say, modesty is what empowers me these days, and because it feels so much better internally, it will probably be this way for the rest of my life. “
She goes on to say that she lost followers for a long time as she navigated her transition away from sexually provocative photos. But now, she finds that her following is starting to skew more female rather than an exclusively male audience ogling her body.
Now, I’m not saying Ms. Hefner is the fount of all wisdom now that she has embraced modesty as a lifestyle. Just 8 photos previous to this post, she’s posing with her camera positioned firmly into her cleavage. But the sentiment is still worth lauding, and if she is truly trying to reform her ways in an effort to better herself, we should absolutely give her credit. Plus, as she has upwards of 3 million followers, expressing to them that modesty is important is a huge win!
Being modest is not easy in today’s day and age. When everyone tells you that modesty is an imposition of the patriarchy and nudity is empowerment, it’s easy to get caught up in the Leftist narrative. But when we do dress modestly, we are so much more likely to feel good about our bodies, ourselves, and the people we surround ourselves with. Instead of being being pursued only for our sexuality, we are being pursued for who we are; instead of forcing others into a position of contending with our cleavage when they want to get to know us, we make ourselves beautiful but let our personalities shine; and instead of fighting with the obvious reality that our bodies are sexual, we accept the truth and enjoy sexuality where it belongs - in the bedroom with our spouses.
Crystal Hefner beginning to recognize that modesty is actually more empowering than whatever she had done previously is fascinating. She has lived on the other side of the spectrum, so she knows what it’s like to seek empowerment in all the wrong places. If Crystal Hefner has realized that modesty is actually the better path, we can trust that she knows the negative outcomes of living alternatively since that was her entire brand for a long time.
When you embrace modesty for all the good it can do for you, you may find that much of what you want actually comes to fruition. If Crystal Hefner can figure that out, then maybe there’s hope for all of us!
LIVESTREAM Q&A: Ask Me All Of Your Questions!
Hello, classic crew premium subscribers! Thursday (1/18/2022) at 8:00 pm EST I’ll be doing my monthly livestream Q&A on YouTube - but I’ll only be answering questions from YOU, the people who have access to my exclusive content here on Substack.
If you have any questions for me, feel free to ask in the comments below! And if you have any more personal questions that you would like to keep anonymous, send them to my email at
ANNOUNCING: This Month's Book Club Selection!
I’m excited to share this month’s book club selection! This month we are reading fiction (we switch up month-to-month), and I can’t wait. The book we will be reading is…Catch-22! I’ve never read it, so I’m looking forward to diving in.
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Welcome to Classically Abby!
I'm a wife, mama-to-be, opera singer, entrepreneur, YouTuber, and your guide to becoming the classic woman you've always wanted to be! Follow me on YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter to see how! And together, let's be classic.
I'm really excited about this month's book club selection! I've heard of Catch-22 before and knew it was a classic but hadn't got around to reading it... Can't wait to dig into it with you all!
Hello Abby, love receiving your newsletters. My question for the q&a is what is your favourite biblical baby name? and do you think you will choose one for your baby? I hope and pray everything goes well with your baby.