I totally agree about makeup! Ladies after you deliver your baby, do get evaluated by a physical therapist. Yes, your body will probably be different, and sadly many doctors will brush off your concerns, but do get professional help to regain strength and stability in your body.

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Of course! When it comes to the health of your body, you should always take care of it. I'm mostly talking about appearance :)

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I love your podcast so much! Every episode is amazing! ❤️

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I'm so glad you're enjoying it!

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I liked how you distinguished contentment as a base level and happiness from activities like travel that alone don't make a happy life. It's who we come home to at the end of the day. I'm glad you're helping more young women know this from the get go.

Also, I was convicted about how God's judgment is crucial, and yet the left couldn't accept it.

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Hi Abby!

This question is a little late coming... but I really enjoyed your talk with Chanale!

Wondering where the passage Isaiah 64 fits in with the Jewish belief that man’s works are enough to bring him salvation?

Specifically Isaiah 64:6-8. In verse 8 you will see the reference of the potter and the clay- God being the potter, the only one able to make us into something good and righteous.

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