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Are you subscribed to The Classically Abby Podcast? Episode 4, “Prince Harry's ‘SPARE’ Is A DISASTER,” is out now! Watch it on YouTube and listen to it wherever you listen to podcasts.
Mark Your Calendar!
February 8, 2023 at 8:30 PM EST: Book Club
This Month’s Book Club Selection
This month we are reading non-fiction (we switch up month-to-month), and I think this is a good fit for the new year. The book we will be reading is…The Happiness Hypothesis! I hope it will give us a lot to think about. Happy reading (no pun intended)!
What You Might Have Missed At Classically Abby…
Quote of the Week:
"Style is something each of us already has, all we need to do is find it." — Diane von Furstenberg
Classic Style Inspo
Is this a power suit or what?? Kate Middleton looks fabulous in this red, asymmetric suit. I just love how she takes a suit, something typically masculine, and makes it so feminine with the color, fit, and style. Pairing it with red heels and statement earrings, she looks like a woman through and through!
Things I’ve Been Loving: Gecko Man Slippers
After having my son, I developed some foot problems including plantar fasciitis. I’ve been searching for a few pairs of slippers and slide-ons to wear around the house since walking around barefoot is painful for me. These fit the bill! They may not be the cutest thing in the world, but they’re neutral, comfortable, and very supportive!
Welcome to Classically Abby!
I'm a wife, mama, opera singer, entrepreneur, YouTuber, and your guide to becoming the classic woman you've always wanted to be! Follow me on YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter to see how! And together, let's be classic.
*Disclosure: This email may contain affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you click on a link and purchase something. Thank you for your support!
5 Modest Go-To's That Will Make You Feel SUPER Cute!
Hello classic crew and happy Wednesday! Welcome to another edition of my newsletter. Are you having a good week? I hope you checked out the latest episode of The Classically Abby Podcast. I had SO much to say about “Spare,” and I loved sharing this week’s faith talk with you all.
This past weekend, we had a small, quiet Sabbath with my parents. They were staying with us and I had hoped that they would meet some of our friends, but Mr. Baby caught Hand, Foot, and Mouth and we didn’t want to spread it to anyone! Well, an intimate Sabbath was just what the doctor ordered (no pun intended). It was actually wonderful to spend so much dedicated time with my mom and dad, and Mr. Baby got some time with them, too, which is always lovely. But after a week of hectic chaos, it’s been nice to see Mr. Baby recovered and my schedule returning to some form of normalcy.
Today, I thought it would be fun to talk about modest fashion. I treat modest fashion like a game. I love trying to find clothing that fits my level of modesty while still being cute, fashionable, stylish, and even trendy. My goal is for a stranger to think, “Wow, what a cute outfit!” or “Wow, how feminine and stylish!” rather than, “Look at her modest clothing.” I don’t prefer to draw attention to how modestly I dress. Instead, the fact that I’m modest is hidden among the stylishness of my clothes.
So with all of that in mind, I want to share with you five modest go-to’s that will make you feel super cute. These clothes could be worn by anyone, modest or not. But they will definitely make you feel pretty, feminine, and cool. And I’ll even have links to everything I’m talking about! So let’s get into it.
Button-down dress. I love a button-down dress. It’s so easy to throw on and it looks effortlessly stylish without even trying. As well, it’s an interesting mesh of masculine and feminine because it has the shirt collar and buttons of a man’s shirt, with the length and flowiness of a woman’s dress. Personally, I’ve really enjoyed wearing button-down dresses while I’ve been breastfeeding because they make it so easy for Mr. Baby to access what he needs. But even before I breastfed, I always loved the pretty ease of this style of dress. And it’s modest without even trying.
Long cardigan. Long cardigans are just. So. Dang. Useful. You can throw them over any outfit and they make you look like you tried harder than if you threw on a sweatshirt. And they do a lot of heavy lifting when it comes to modesty! If you are feeling like your arms are a little bare, you can put on a long cardigan. If you are wearing leggings and you want to cover your bottom, throw that cardigan on, lady! If you are wearing a dress that’s just a fraction too tight, a long cardigan can obscure the clinginess of your outfit. I have three long cardigans and I love them all for different occasions - plus, I call them my daytime robes because they keep me cozy without having to wear a full-on robe all day.
Cute nude cami. If there’s any item of clothing I can’t live without, it’s a nude cami. I wear it under all of my wrap dresses, under all of my V-necks, under all of my clingy sweaters, and it fixes all of my problems in a snap. Without drawing attention to the fact that I’m trying to be more modest, a nude cami is unassuming and covers what needs to be covered. You’ll feel so cute when you realize you can wear so many outfits that you had deemed immodest before, but now are accessible to you with the simple addition of a nude cami.
High-waisted, straight-leg jeans. I recently purchased these jeans and I’ve been wearing them nonstop. They are so comfortable, so cute, and they make all of my outfits feel so much trendier. I love how stylish they are and how flattering, too! I don’t believe that skinny jeans are immodest, but if you do, these jeans are definitely more on the modest side. They flatter your figure without clinging to your legs, and they’re a great addition to your wardrobe.
Midi skirt. Nothing is more feminine, more classic, and more modest than a midi skirt. Midi skirts are in right now, so they definitely don’t draw attention to themselves as only part of a modest woman’s wardrobe. But they do fit the bill when it comes to modesty, and they are a ton of fun to wear to boot. There are so many beautiful colors, shapes, and styles of midi skirts - I linked just one here!
What are your favorite modest go-to’s in your closet? Share your thoughts below!
Any Questions?
Submit YOUR questions for my weekly podcast, where I only answer questions from my premium Substack subscribers! Feel free to leave any questions you have in the comments below. If I didn’t answer your question in my last episode, please repost it here! As well, if you’d like to send a more personal question, feel free to send it to
I love these ideas! It’s so funny, I used to hate wearing dresses and skirts because I never felt comfortable in them. But as I’ve gotten older, taking the time to try on different things that fit my body shape, and I find that dresses are a great thing to wear! It’s takes very little effort and time to throw on a dress, and with a few added accessories you’re done!
Do you think you would ever write a book and have it published? As a young Australian woman, being conservative can feel really lonely here and I often look to you for advice and your content is so reassuring and comforting. I’m always wishing I could pick up a book that has all of that same comfort and reassurance, and I love to support you wherever I can!