Do you have any qualifications for coaching? Or is it just life experience?

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Wow. Point 1 actually made me cry. My two sons are 1.5 and 4 months now. I felt like I went to the hospital, gave birth, and the next day I was right back at the hospital giving birth again. Each day goes by so fast, it’s hard to fathom. Each night I say goodnight to my boys, knowing that the next day they’ll be new kids learning new skills and developing their own personalities.

Ive learned this past year to really appreciate every second of life because it really is too short, especially after you have kids. I wouldn’t want my kids to stay young forever but I do wish the time would slow down just a little bit. I’m so fortunate to be a stay at home mom. It’s tough financially but money can’t buy you time with your family. If it means we don’t give our kids as much materialistically, that’s ok. The greatest gift we can give to them when they’re young is our love and affection.

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Hi! You are so right, time moves at WARP SPEED after children come along! I agree that it makes life so much more precious, and that makes it so much more important about being intentional with your time! I like how you put that 30s is about confidently living our your worldview, and what’s been great is that I feel like I’ve been doing that for a while now! Perhaps it’s because I got married « young » (I mean 24 really isn’t very that young, but compared to what most do in the US now it is), and that I’m a mom, but I feel like I get in much better with the 30s crowd versus the 20s crowd. I’ll turn 30 in 2024, but part of me feels like I’ve been 30 for a while! Also totally with you on shifting goals/priorities related to health. I am focused more on « are my health routines in service to my long-term health goals? » Questions like « will I still be able to go on long bike rides, hikes or skiing well into my 70s and beyond » have started to influence what I do now! It’s all less about looks and more about function for me these days, but the good news is that when you approach it from that angle, the looks come along with it!

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