We Won't Be Erased.
Embracing womanhood is the best way to answer the question, "What is a woman?"
Hello my friends! Last night, my husband and I watched “What Is A Woman?”, the new documentary released by The Daily Wire. After seeing the preview, I was looking forward to watching it - and I’m glad I did. Have you seen it yet?
Matt Walsh takes on the transgender movement while interviewing all kinds of people, from Leftist doctors pushing gender-affirmation on infants to the Maasai tribe who think the whole idea is insane. And Walsh is trying to get them to answer the simple question, “What is a woman?” The scary thing is…almost nobody can.
I created Classically Abby to talk about embracing womanhood and femininity, and to see the erasure of womanhood right before our very eyes is terrifying. The Left wants to redefine women out of existence; to make womanhood a pose or fetish for someone to playact at. To the Left, women aren’t the only ones who can breastfeed, men can too (AKA biological women who transition). Women don’t only have vaginas, they can have penises too (AKA biological men who transition). Women aren’t the only ones who can bear children, men can too.
It’s a nightmare. And this ideology is forced onto our children so that the transgender movement can grow its ranks from those who are susceptible to its evil.
We have to stand up for the truth. As women who love being women, we need to KNOW the answer to the question, “What is a woman?” It’s simple. There’s nothing complicated about it. Women are biological females. You can have a temperament that is more or less feminine, but if you were born with two X chromosomes YOU. ARE. A. WOMAN. We need to protect our children by giving them the stability of reality - you don’t choose your gender identity. You were born a boy, or you were born a girl. God has given you the blessing of your sex.
Womanhood is so beautiful and important, and I love that here we encourage women to embrace who they are, not what they are confused into thinking they want to be or into believing they are or any other thing that comes into conflict with the truth. As I’ve said here before, part of being classic is accepting reality and working within its confines. The reality of the world, and the most beautiful reality, is that women are easily definable and men are easily definable. They are different. Those differences are what make the world a beautiful, balanced place. Of course, as transgenderism becomes more and more prevalent through social contagion and grooming, the world becomes more and more topsy turvy and unbalanced.
Now, I recently wrote a few pieces on my Substack about the different parts of womanhood. Femininity is a beautiful part of being a woman, but a man can have a feminine temperament. THAT DOES NOT MAKE HIM A WOMAN. It makes him a feminine man. In the same way, a woman can have a masculine temperament. THAT DOES NOT MAKE HER A MAN. It’s a lovely thing to encourage femininity in women while not quashing those things that make her more masculine - I know plenty of women who are “more masculine” but have embraced their femininity alongside their temperament. But being a woman has a baseline requirement: do you have XX chromosomes? Great - welcome to the sisterhood.
It’s our role as women and mothers to raise our children in homes filled with stability. It’s our role to protect our children from ideology that is meant to warp their minds from a tender age and confuse them into unhappy lives. It’s our role to fight the lies that say that a man can become a woman simply through surgery and putting on a dress. And it’s our role to show by example the answer to the question: “What is a woman?”
What do you think? Share your thoughts in the comments below!
ANNOUNCING: This Month's Book Club Selection!
I’m excited to share this month’s book club selection! This month we are reading fiction (we switch up month-to-month), and I can’t wait. The book we will be reading is…The Secret of Santa Vittoria! My father has been recommending this book to me FOR YEARS, so I really can’t wait to dig into it. I’m looking forward to discussing it with you all!
What’s New On Classically Abby…
Welcome to Classically Abby!
I'm a wife, mama, opera singer, entrepreneur, YouTuber, and your guide to becoming the classic woman you've always wanted to be! Follow me on YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter to see how! And together, let's be classic.
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Watched it right away and it exceeded my expectations. I honestly didn’t know if Matt could really be that pressing in interviews and he really delivered. I was impressed. (One critique though. I have a degree in African studies and it was very clear he was visiting with the Maasai in Kenya and every time he just said “African tribe” I cringed. 😬)
Hearing Scott Newgent speak of what they went through broke my heart. I wanted to strangle those doctors who admitted to abusing children. The fact that one worked for planned parenthood and was encouraging children to transition really shows how little these people think of the sacredness of human life and existence.
Truthfully, I’m scared for the future generations. It breaks my heart to see kids exposed to drag and being told to change their pronouns. As someone who saw sexual content quite young (on my own, not from an adult) I can’t imagine the consequences of having adults throw this in the face of children.
You’re right about how they treat womanhood as an act. I think that’s what disgusts me the most.
Having said that it’s hard to stand up for what is right sometimes. I live in a VERY far left city in New England and I feel like I’m one of the only sane people sometimes. Abby, I’m thankful to have found your blog/content because it gives me encouragement to speak the truth.
When I was in university I felt a little embarrassed, because I am such a feminine woman (I got literally told that I look like a romantic vision). I suppressed the desire to wear pastel colors, frills etc and I tried to showcase the edgy parts of my personality more. The lowest point was, when a male friend visited me and said that he felt uncomfortable in my apartment, because it looked like the room of a woman. I still don't know what he meant, but I stopped caring. Being feminine is what I like, I don't have the patience for being cool.