The "Ideas" Person Vs. The "Practical" Person
Happy New Year, my friends! Can you believe it’s already 2022? I am so excited for this year because in just a few months, with God’s help, we will get to meet our son! There is simply so much to look forward to, and even though every year has its ups and downs, there is always so much to take joy in.
A few days ago, Jacob and I were chatting. We were discussing our preferences: when we were in school, did we prefer homework assignments or studying for a test? I knew what Jacob’s answer would be before he even spoke - studying for a test. He liked the learning aspect of things, the new knowledge obtained by sitting and reading, and the memory testing (he has a fantastic memory, so that probably explains it). I, on the other hand, have always preferred homework assignments.
Here’s why.
Homework assignments are perfect for the task-oriented person. There is a beginning, middle, and end to a homework assignment. I always knew how long it would take to accomplish a project, and there was a real sense of satisfaction when I finished it. Studying, on the other hand, was always a slog for me. I am someone who never trusts my memory. That’s why I constantly have to-do lists floating around, and I am in constant fear of forgetting something!
Because of that, studying never had an endpoint for me. How did I know that I had retained the information I had been working on? I could study for hours on end and never believe that I really understood the information I was working on. I much preferred the task of homework to the study of ideas.
I believe there are two kinds of people in the world: “ideas” people, and “practical” people. Now, before anyone gets peeved at me, I do think there can be overlap and everyone can do both sometimes. But, at the end of the day, there are those of us who are more interested in big ideas, who look at the big picture and enjoy the zoomed out version of things, and those of us who are more interested in getting things done, who look at the practical end of things.
Often, in my experience, "ideas” people are men and “practical” people are women. I think this has to do with the fact that women are natural caretakers. If women were the “ideas” people, what would happen to their babies? A dirty diaper might never get changed, a baby bottle might never get washed, the baby might not get enough tummy time. While mothers are making sure their babies are taken care of, fathers can take the time to think of ways to teach their children about God, about the big ideas that are all around us. It’s a good balance, all things concerned!
Jacob and I fit into those roles perfectly. Jacob is 100% an “ideas” person. He loves to explore big topics and share them with me! It’s wonderful to be married to someone who has taught me so much. I, on the other hand, am 100% a “practical” person. I love to get things done and see items crossed off my to-do list. Jacob can always count on me to make sure he packed everything he needs before a trip, for example.
The balance of these two types of people make the world go ‘round. If you only had “ideas” people, nothing would ever get done. Great ideas would come and go without implementation and everything would be a gigantic mess. And if you only had “practical” people, tasks would get done but with what purpose? The drudgery of everyday life wouldn’t have greater meaning. Whenever I think of the yin and yang of the world, I am amazed and awed at God’s creation. It is truly remarkable.
Which one are you? Do you think you’re an “ideas” person or a “practical” person? Let me know in the comments below!
IN CASE YOU MISSED IT: This Month's Book Club Selection
I’m excited to share this month’s book club selection! After we read Cheap Sex for our book club, I thought it would be appropriate to follow it up with The Joy of Intimacy! I’m loving it so far and I can’t wait to discuss it with you all in a couple of weeks.
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Welcome to Classically Abby!
I'm a wife, mama-to-be, opera singer, entrepreneur, YouTuber, and your guide to becoming the classic woman you've always wanted to be! Follow me on YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter to see how! And together, let's be classic.
You're exactly right, I think the world needs both of these types of people. I think I am an "ideas" person who is striving to become more detail-oriented like a "practical" person, lol.
I am more of a practical person, who also enjoyed completing homework assignments but could never understand how to outline a study session. It’s too abstract, I think.
I’m the same way with other things, too, like gifts, household items, clothes, etc. If it’s practical and useful (or comfortable in the case with clothes), then I love it!