August is drawing to a close. Autumn is right around the corner. And that means…
It’s time to go back to school!
Many of you are about to head back to college or have already started up again. I remember the nervousness that would accompany the change of seasons as I knew I’d be changing up my daily routine and getting back into the swing of things with a new semester. Even as I was a bit anxious, I also loved preparing, getting excited for what was to come that year, and looking forward to seeing my friends.
Even for those of us who are out of school, the summer is an easy time to get out of a routine because we’re galavanting around on vacations or just enjoying warm nights with friends. Of course, a full-time job prevents an entire breakdown of our schedules, but there is definitely more flexibility in the summertime.
It’s so important, though, when you are transitioning back into school that you have a regular routine to keep you accountable. Routines are wonderful for productivity, but they’re also great for mental health - and despite the fact that college can be fun, it can also be lonely and stressful. One of the best ways you can be successful in school is to treat yourself to the gift of regularity.
So here are five ways you can begin to reincorporate a routine back into your life. And get ready to allow structure to actually improve your day!
Go to bed and wake up at regular times. Summer is the best time to ignore those normal sleeping hours and just…relaaaaax. You watch movies late into the night; you sleep until all hours; you take red-eye flights to get to weekend destinations. But then, all of a sudden, you’re back in school, your alarm goes off, and you had better be at class by 8:30 or you’re going to draw all of your teacher’s ire before the semester has even really begun.
A good night’s sleep is the best thing you can do for yourself. Start going to bed at a more reasonable hour a week or so before school starts and incorporate some rules for yourself before doing so. Turn off electronics an hour before bedtime, read in bed before going to sleep, that kind of thing. Then, make sure to start waking up at the same time every day. Even if you only have an 8:30 AM class three times a week, why not start waking up at 7:30 AM every day? On the weekends, you can give yourself a bit more flexibility, but giving yourself that schedule for weekdays will give your body the structure it craves.
Go to the gym on a regular basis. This is something I didn’t do until my last year of grad school and oh my goodness, was I missing out! Going to the gym is such a great way to destress and give some love to your body. College students don’t generally get a ton of exercise - despite booking it across campus to get to your class on time. So setting up a specific time 3-4 times a week to weightlift and do some cardio will keep you healthy even if you’re eating at the cafeteria every day.
I personally loved waking up a little earlier, exercising first thing, showering, eating breakfast, and then going to class. I felt like I had accomplished so much before my day had even started! I’ll be honest - I did sometimes nap on these days because I had woken up a bit earlier. A twenty-minute nap in the middle of the day actually felt like a little gift I had given myself after a good workout. But you’ll find what exercise regimen works best for you!
Lay out your clothes the night before. I always loved laying out my clothes the night before because it felt like I had gamed the system. Instead of having to either a) try and figure out something cute to wear under time pressure, or b) give up and put on the same boring combination again and again, I could take my time the night before and put something together I really liked!
Dressing well in college is not something most students think about, but for us classic women? It’s absolutely necessary. Putting in effort and making a good first impression is one of the tenets of being classic, and it allows people to get to know your personality without being distracted by your clothing. So getting into the habit of picking out your clothes the night before will guarantee you always look your best.
Buy a paper calendar. I will never not recommend a paper calendar. The more we can get off our phones, the better. Being able to look at your entire month on paper, on your desk, gives you a clarity that phones do not. To me, your phone is like a stack of post-it notes. Everything is there, and you know it’s there, but sorting through the mess mentally is a lot to handle. Having one unique place for your assignments, events, due dates, etc. allows you to keep everything organized and in its proper place.
Paper planners are the best way to keep track of everything that you need to remember - plus, they are so classic. Now, that doesn’t mean you can’t use your phone calendar sometimes! I have reminders for big events on there so if I’m ever in a situation where my paper calendar is not close at hand, I can make sure I don’t overbook myself. But generally, when it comes to being organized and self-sufficient, there’s only one way to go!
Set up one weekly engagement (at least) to make sure you socialize. Yes, school is about studying. Yes, school is about getting into a routine. But without a supportive friend group, the loneliness will eat away at you. I think it’s so important to make sure you book into your schedule a weekly event to socialize with friends. Think of it as a way to keep your mental health as strong as possible.
A weekly event can be anything from a regular movie night with friends to a church bible study. It can be scheduling coffee with a different friend every Wednesday at noon. But making sure that even on your busiest weeks you are still seeing people will keep you feeling strong and capable. And that will also help you make the best decisions, because loneliness is the first step in making bad choices.
Going back to school is exciting - and incorporating a routine will make every day even better!
Quote of the Week:
“Perfection is the enemy of progress.” - Winston Churchill
ANNOUNCING…Weekly Vlogs!
Classic Style Inspo
I am so grateful that tennis shoes and dresses are in style! Even though I wouldn’t categorize this look as entirely classic, it's so lovely to be able to wear comfortable shoes while still retaining a feminine look. If you want to try this look, I recommend purchasing a pair of white sneakers because they pretty much go with everything!
Things I’ve Been Loving: Wall Calendar
Since we’re speaking of scheduling in today’s newsletter, I thought I’d share one of the calendars I use! I have a full weekly planner as well, but having a monthly wall calendar is an easy way to keep track of events, appointments, and projects that are coming up. I like the size of these wall calendars and the aesthetic is lovely too!
Welcome to Classically Abby!
I'm your resident #ConservativeInfluencer, cultural commentator, opera singer, fashionista, makeup artist, and wife with a classic take on the modern world. Follow me on YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter to see how! And together, let's be classic.
*Disclosure: This email may contain affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you click on a link and purchase something. Thank you for your support!
Scheduling time to socialize is something I never thought of, but I now realize it's importance. Thanks Abby!
Even not being in college anymore, I find myself needing to schedule in time to hang out with my husband. It's so easy to fall into the routine of taking care of the kid, cooking, cleaning, appointments and work, and forgetting about spending time with each other.