Livestream Q&A: Would You Rather Edition!
If you missed this week’s livestream, you can watch it here. You guys came up with some really fun “would you rather” questions - I loved answering them!
ANNOUNCING: This Month's Book Club Selection!
I’m excited to share this month’s book club selection! This month we are reading non-fiction (we switch up month-to-month) and the book we will be reading is…The Rise And Triumph of the Modern Self! I have only heard incredible things about this book and how informative it is. It’s available as an audiobook and on Kindle. I can’t wait to read it with you all. Book club will be convening next week, so put it on your calendar!
What You Might Have Missed At Classically Abby…
Quote of the Week:
“To achieve great things, two things are needed: a plan and not quite enough time.” - Leonard Bernstein
Classic Style Inspo
Is there anything more romantic than a date on a summer evening? And if you’re going to go on a summer date, you must wear a pretty dress! Throw on something light enough to be comfortable sitting outside but covered up enough to protect you from those pesky mosquito bites.
Things I’ve Been Loving: Tartelette Juicy Palette
I have been loving this eyeshadow palette! It’s truly the only one I’ve been using for about a month now, which is saying something. The pinks are so feminine and all the matte shades blend seamlessly.
Welcome to Classically Abby!
I'm a wife, mama, opera singer, entrepreneur, YouTuber, and your guide to becoming the classic woman you've always wanted to be! Follow me on YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter to see how! And together, let's be classic. To send any private questions, feel free to email me at
*Disclosure: This email may contain affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you click on a link and purchase something. Thank you for your support!
Please do a makeup tutorial on the Tartlette Juicy palette! I got mine a few weeks ago and I just can't decide where to start with it. HELP! PLEASE!
I strongly agree with points one and four, but I defer to the New Testament Scripture on points two and three about getting married and having children. Saint Paul says: "To the unmarried and the widows I say that it is good for them to remain unmarried as I am. But if they are not practicing self-control, they should marry. For it is better to marry than to be aflame with passion." (1 Corinthians 7: 8-9 NRSV). This is Biblical truth to Christians. It is not a " woke" narrative. We should not have sex outside marriage. We should not have children out of wedlock. If we feel lust, it means we are called to marriage and should do so. If we do not feel lust, we are called to be single.