Hello my lovely friends! I hope you all had a beautiful Mother’s Day and got to celebrate it with your loved ones. I can’t believe we’re almost halfway into May - this year feels like it has FLOWN by. And summer is just around the corner!
As I’m sure you’ve seen, a draft of the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe V. Wade was leaked about a week ago. Of course, the insane reaction from the pro-abortion side regarding this ruling is based on falsities and lack of research. If Roe V. Wade were to be overturned, it wouldn’t federally outlaw abortion. It would simply return power to the states. But if Roe V. Wade is overturned, perhaps we can finally see some justice for the children whose lives were made “less than” by a group of justices who sentenced them to death.
I was pro-life before I ever had a baby. I had studied how babies developed in utero, and so I knew the truth of when life began. I had learned how quickly babies develop; I knew that a baby’s heart begins beating at just 21 days; I had seen photos of a 10-week old child in utero. And of course, I thought babies were adorable. But even if I didn’t feel that way, I would have been pro-life because it was the only position that made any sense. Life begins at conception, full stop. There is no other argument to be made.
When I had a miscarriage, the part of me that had been pro-life strengthened a thousand fold. I had seen my child’s heartbeat and I had envisioned his future. And then he was gone. But he was still a person during his time in my womb. The fact that I mourned him, the fact that so many women have mourned their unborn children - that was even more proof that it was a human life growing inside me. The hypocrisy of women demanding “the right to choose” if the child inside them didn’t suit their plans, while simultaneously mourning the life of their unborn child in the case of a miscarriage clarified the illogical position of the pro-abortion side. A life is a life, no matter how it is conceived, no matter if it is wanted and planned for, or not.
When I became pregnant again, this time with a healthy pregnancy, all of the intellectual arguments I had made for being pro-life became emotional, visceral. I was growing my child in my body. I could feel his little arms and legs as he moved. I could hear his heartbeat and see his face in a 3D ultrasound. Now, everything I had fought for was being proven to me in real time as my son grew within my womb.
When my son was born, that first week was incredibly difficult for me. Sleep-deprived, trying to nurse, adjusting to a new normal - it all left me feeling incredibly overwhelmed. And yet, I held a new life in my arms that God had been generous enough to give to me. My baby, my boy - had he been conceived by another woman in another situation with another worldview, he might never have been born. His life, exchanged for his mother’s petty “freedom.”
I’ve been pro-life through it all. And I’m proud to fight for the lives of the unborn when they cannot fight for themselves. You, too, should be proud. You stand for life; you stand for science; you stand for logic; you stand for God. So, as you reflect on the Roe V. Wade decision that has yet to be made, just remember: you are the side of truth. And that should give you all the strength you need.
BOOK CLUB IS BACK NEXT WEEK: This Month's Book Club Selection!
We are restarting our book club NEXT WEEK! This month we are reading non-fiction (we switch up month-to-month), and I can’t wait. The book we will be reading is…Digital Minimalism! This book is all about how and why we should try to limit our digital presence in today’s modern world. I can’t wait to discuss it with you all!
What’s New On Classically Abby…
Welcome to Classically Abby!
I'm a wife, mama, opera singer, entrepreneur, YouTuber, and your guide to becoming the classic woman you've always wanted to be! Follow me on YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter to see how! And together, let's be classic.
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Growing up in NYC, I've always said "I would never get an abortion myself, but I'm still pro-choice". It wasn't until watching Abby's most recent video on abortion, that I decided to sit down and actually hear some well thought out pro-life arguments. After watching some videos from Students for Life, my mind was completely changed. I can now say that I'm pro-life! (only exclusion being medical complications in the mother) Now, do I think this country still has a lot it needs to do in order to help support pregnant women and their babies after birth? Yes, and once Roe gets repealed, I think this is an area where we can all do alot of amazing work. But I just wanted to thank Abby for posting that video which made me really empathize with the pro-life movement and want to look more into it. I never thought I would cry tears of joy after hearing Roe will get over turned, but here we are :)
How can we help women with unplanned pregnancies who don't want to have abortions but have no family support? What could we do for them? How could we get supplies to them for their babies? Find the jobs to support them?