Adidas posted BREASTS on Twitter to show their dedication to “inclusion.” Yeah, right.
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Adidas posted BREASTS on Twitter to show their dedication to “inclusion.” Yeah, right.
This morning, I went on Twitter to see what was trending. As usual, I came across the latest Leftist nonsense and responses. But then I came across this tweet from Adidas and…I was not prepared. Now, as a warning, this image is NSFW (not safe for work) and contains nudity, so I apologize in advance:
As you might imagine, I was caught off guard. But this tweet got me thinking. Corporations are so desperate to be seen as riding the “woke train” that they will post literal nudity to their social media to show their allyship to the Left. They want to act innocent, as if anyone who is offended by this is bad and wrong, even though this is clearly a publicity stunt meant to get them in the news. But, there’s a reason that this tweet is bad and wrong. So let’s break down why.
First of all, let’s briefly discuss the concept of “inclusion.” Now, James Lindsay (who I interviewed on my channel last year) breaks down the concept of inclusion in his Social Justice Encyclopedia. James is the expert on the realities of Critical Theory. So, if you want the full explanation of the problems with the Critical Social Justice concept of “inclusion” and how it’s not about just being nice to everyone, head to his website. But I’ll try to give a brief summary here.
In theory, “inclusion” sounds really nice! We make sure that everyone feels included and no one is left out. But “inclusion” as you know it is NOT what Leftists mean. Leftists believe that society is built on systemic power dynamics that divide people into the oppressors and the oppressed, or the marginalized and the privileged. In that context, they use “inclusion” to mean that they will create a welcoming environment for the oppressed by excluding anything that could feel unwelcoming. Because of this, inclusion actually excludes any person or idea that could be seen as oppressing a marginalized group, whether that oppression be real or imagined. This leads to the silencing and censoring of free speech as well as the purging of those who are considered “oppressors.”
Yes, “inclusion” as used by Leftists and Critical Theorists means ALL OF THAT.
When I first came across these ideas, it was overwhelming and confusing. How could one word that sounds so nice carry so much meaning by Wokeists? But it’s really important to understand these concepts so you don’t naively agree to something that sounds nice on its face but is actually evil and dangerous in its philosophy.
So when Adidas totes that they are inclusive, what are they really saying? Well, first, they are saying that they kow-tow to the woke mob. They will say what they need to say to keep the Woke mob happy by making themselves allies to an insane radical fringe just so they can avoid public belly-aching from the Left. Second, Adidas embracing the concept of inclusion shows that they endorse these conspiratorial claims of systemic power dynamics that will eventually lead to censorship and purges in the name of “inclusion.” Free speech? Yeah, that won’t last long.
And this leads to my last point. The idea that beauty standards need to be “inclusive.” We live in a day and age that embraces the woke paradox of “everyone and everything needs to be sexualized as sexuality is the truest form of self” and “we need to accept and love all bodies even though bringing sex to its lowest form of physical pleasure necessarily makes it a visual contest for hotness.”
200 years ago, men didn’t see thousands of breasts a year through pornography, filmography, or even just Tinder dates. Men saw their wife’s breasts. They had nothing to compare them to. It was exciting to see their wife’s breasts, no matter what they looked like, because sex wasn’t made a free-for-all wherein every woman was posed and compared to every other woman. Therefore, the idea of “inclusivity of breasts” was irrelevant. A woman’s breasts were her breasts - end of story.
Nowadays, the Woke want to have their cake and eat it too. They first want to say that sex is the truest definition of self, that having sex should be open and free and done with anyone and everyone, and that everyone should be exposing themselves constantly because it would be oppressive to view sex as anything more elevated than any other physical activity, like going to the bathroom. But at the same time, while turning sex into a physical dopamine hit, they want to negate the absolutely obvious next step: that when sex is just a physical activity for animal pleasure, of course people will view those who are hottest as the best sexual option.
So, the Wokeists turn to “inclusion.” They say that all breasts are beautiful, after they were the ones who made women expose their breasts in the first place, creating a standard of beauty that up until now was irrelevant! And no, breasts shouldn’t be put on display just like any other body part. They should be viewed as a sexual part of the body shared with your spouse and only your spouse.
Adidas may try and be sly and claim that this was “just a nice gesture” but they know that they were using nudity to inappropriately get attention to make money, while also selling out the culture to the Left. It was a publicity stunt. And it was trash.
What do you guys think? Leave your comment below!
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I'm a wife, mama-to-be, opera singer, entrepreneur, YouTuber, and your guide to becoming the classic woman you've always wanted to be! Follow me on YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter to see how! And together, let's be classic.
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I am surprised they said "women's breasts" and not "people with breasts." I have read many articles where menstruating women are called "people with periods."
Let us hope that Adidas does not come out with a similarly advertised line of panties...